
Elementos filtrados por fecha: Noviembre 2015

Se busca empresa de eficiencia energética para Tanzania

ID_OPORTUNIDAD MULTILATERAL:  Energy Efficiency Review of Dar Es Salaam City Water and Sewerage Services

ETAPA DEL PROCESO: Expresión de interés



PAÍS: Tanzania

FECHA DE PUBLICACIÓN: 11 de noviembre 2015

FIN DE PLAZO:  30 de Noviembre 2015


The objective of this assignment is to audit the energy efficiency in the operations of DAWASA and DAWASCO, leading to suggestions for improvement in utilization of energy and reducing costs.

The Ministry of Water (MoW) has initiated a reform process to reorganize the Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Authority (DAWASA) and the Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Corporation (DAWASCo) who are responsible for delivery of water and sewerage services in the city. Under the proposed reorganization, DAWASA will be responsible for bulk water production and wastewater treatment, while DAWASCO will be the downstream distributor of water supply and will be responsible for sewerage service provision for the city. In their new mandate, they will both be major consumers of energy.

The poor operational efficiency of these utilities in Dar Es Salaam is one of the major reasons for the more than 50% of Non-Revenue Water that it faces. Poor management practices and mis-utilization of resources are also potential factors contributing to the inefficiency. The lack of a culture of promoting energy efficiency is one of the other reasons contributing to the above. Anecdotal information indicates that on average the energy spending of the two utilities is estimated to be 16% of their overall operation expenditure.

Conservation of energy by these utilities can go a long way in addressing the operational inefficiency of the utilities, and contribute to the reduction of the NRW that the city is facing. The process will begin by developing an understanding of the present status of energy consumption across the operations of the two utilities, and based on this, identify ways of improving energy efficiency.

An audit of the two Dar es Salaam water utilities, DAWASA and DAWASCO, is proposed to identify the current levels of their energy usage, and identify the scope of improvements in efficiency of energy usage.

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Américo Vespucio, 5. Bloque 2. Planta 1ª Oficina 14

C.P. 41092- Sevilla (España)

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Se busca arqueólogo/a junior para Afganistán

ID_OPORTUNIDAD MULTILATERAL: Consultancy Services Junior Archaeologist for Mes Aynak Archaeological Project (International)

ETAPA DEL PROCESO: Expresión de interés


ENTIDAD EJECUTORA: Ministerio de Minas y Petróleo

PAÍS: Afganistán

FECHA DE PUBLICACIÓN:  10 de Noviembre 2015

FIN DE PLAZO:  30 de Noviembre 2015

RESUMEN:  The Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has received a grant from the World Bank toward the cost of achieving Sustainable Development of Natural Resources in Afghanistan.  The Project is being implemented through a Program Management Unit (PMU) within the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum. The PMU is now seeking a well qualified individual consultant for the position of Junior Archaeologist for Mes Aynak Archaeological Project.


Candidates should fulfill the following requisites:

*Master Degree in Archaeology is Preferred, Art History, Anthropology, or Architecture but candidates with a Bachelor's Degree and extensive archaeological field experience will be considered.

*Minimum of 5 years of experience in rescue or contract archaeology.

*Previous excavation experience in Central Asia, the Middle East or East Asia also considered very favorably.

*Demonstrated experience in Museology and the management of large quantities of material culture will be considered very favorably.

*Previous experience with emergency conservation and some field conservation of artifacts also considered favorably.

*Previous experience in site, field unit, and artifact photography

*Ability to maintain detailed records of daily excavation activities, photography logs, artifact inventories, etc.

*Excellent communication and interpersonal skills; demonstrated experience and ability to work effectively in a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural environment.

*Some practical experience of mine archaeology or archaeology of the Buddhist period will be very favorably considered

*Fluency in spoken and written English

*Excellent communication and interpersonal skills


Para más información contacte con forWit a través de:

Tel.: +34 (954 462 399) 

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Américo Vespucio, 5. Bloque 2. Planta 1ª Oficina 14

C.P. 41092- Sevilla (España)

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forWit participa en las jornadas sobre proyectos y licitaciones multilaterales de Extenda

Mariam Cantero, socia de forWit, participa el próximo 26 de noviembre en las jornadas “Iniciación a los proyectos y licitaciones multilaterales, una forma de internacionalizarse” que organiza la Agencia Andaluza de Promoción Exterior – Extenda en Almería. La invitación responde al funcionamiento de forWit como departamento externo especializado en licitaciones multilaterales.

La intervención de Mariam se centra en un caso práctico sobre la experiencia de una firma andaluza en la ejecución de contratos multilaterales, a partir de la labor que desempeña con el equipo de forWit en la búsqueda de licitaciones personalizadas para cada empresa, en el acompañamiento integral en el proceso de licitación y en la coordinación y gestión administrativa del contrato.

A partir del conocimiento especializado de las ponentes y de las experiencias de internacionalización de las firmas invitadas, la jornada busca activar la posible vía de la internacionalización de las empresas andaluzas a través de su participación en contratos multilaterales.

Bio Mariam Cantero

Mariam Cantero, socia de forWit

Licenciada en Gestión del Medio Ambiente (Environmental Management HONS) por la Universidad de Gales. Experta en Gestión Internacional de la Pyme por la Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI) y Export Manager homologada por Extenda.

Su trayectoria profesional ha estado centrada en la presentación de licitaciones internacionales financiadas por organismos multilaterales, en las que ha intervenido en la preparación de propuestas, formación de consorcios, ejecución técnica y gestión administrativa de los contratos.


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